法国:剧院竹之剧场 竹装饰
法国人民以爱美闻名于世,他们不但利用美丽的自然环境,开辟了许多旅游胜地,而且形成了他们富有特色的法兰西文化。极富情调的巴黎“街头艺术”令人目不暇接:闻名世界的露天画廊;随时随地可组织起来的街头音乐会;沿街建筑上随处可见的小小纪念碑等。比如法国首座伊丽莎白一世风格的剧院于2016年5月落成。拥有388个座位的剧场位于法国小城Calais附近的Hardelot庄园内,这里曾经是查尔斯狄更斯的居所,而现在则属于每年都会举行夏季节日,庆祝英法文化交流的Centre Culturel de l’Entente Cordial文化中心所有。
French people are famous for their love of beauty. They not only use the beautiful natural environment to open up many tourist attractions, but also form their distinctive French culture. Paris’s “street art” is a world-famous open-air gallery; Street concerts that can be organized anytime and anywhere; Small monuments can be seen everywhere along the street. For example, the first French theatre in the style of Elizabeth I was completed in May 2016. The 388 seat theatre is located in the hardelot manor near Calais, a small French town. It used to be the residence of Charles Dickens, but now belongs to the centre Cultural de l’entente Cortial, which holds summer festivals every year to celebrate the cultural exchanges between Britain and France.
The ground part of the building is made of wood and bamboo. As the first French cultural building relying on natural ventilation, the building’s superior energy-saving characteristics are remarkable – its annual energy consumption is even lower than that of the French.
A building made of bamboo and wood.
我们希望建筑能与环境产生共鸣,而非成为一个孤立而又引人注目的外来之物。”建筑师Andrew Todd说到,“在室内设计中我们也延续了这个概念,环绕的天窗带来了柔和的自然光线,而微微凸起的顶部如同一个巨大的烟囱,拉动了室内空气的流动。
We want the building to resonate with the environment, rather than become an isolated and eye-catching foreign thing. ” Architect Andrew Todd said, “in interior design, we also continue this concept. The surrounding skylight brings soft natural light, and the slightly raised top is like a huge chimney, pulling the flow of indoor air.
而建筑所在的区域也似乎与莎士比亚有着万千联系:42公里外的阿金库尔战役是莎士比亚经典剧作《亨利五世》的发生地;在35公里外的金缕地,亨利八世建立了莎士比亚剧院的建筑原型;而44公里外的Saint Omer图书馆中藏有300年前第一本莎士比亚的对开错本书籍。
The area where the building is located seems to have a lot to do with Shakespeare: the battle of Agincourt 42 kilometers away is the place where Shakespeare’s classic play Henry V took place; Thirty five kilometers away, Henry VIII built the prototype of Shakespeare’s theatre; The first Shakespeare’s folio Book 300 years ago is in the Saint Omer library, 44 kilometers away.
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