意大利佛罗伦萨:双曲竹亭 竹编 竹景观
竣工年份: 2017年
面积: 2400 平方米
来自意大利佛罗伦萨的一组建筑师赢得了CAMBOO 的竹子设计竞赛,展示了这种材料的强大和可持续的竹建筑品质。在柬埔寨金边举行的 CAMBOO 节旨在为一个具有里程碑意义的展馆寻找创新设计,作为活动期间的核心。建筑师 Roberto Bologna、Fernando Barth、Chiara Moretti 和 Denny Pagliai 凭借他们获奖的“Hyperbamboo”展馆击败了 125 个参赛作品,该展馆因其“巧妙且深思熟虑地使用竹子作为建筑材料”而被选中。
A team of architects from Florence, Italy, won CAMBOO’s bamboo design competition, demonstrating the material’s strong and sustainable building qualities. The CAMBOO Festival in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, aims to find innovative designs for a landmark pavilion as the centrepiece during the event. Architects Roberto Bologna, Fernando Barth, Chiara Moretti and Denny Pagliai beat 125 entries for their award-winning Hyperbamboo pavilion, The pavilion was chosen for its “clever and thoughtful use of bamboo as a building material”.
Hyperbamboo 完全由当地采购的柬埔寨竹子和遮阳面料制成。展馆入口建在金边的自由公园内,沿着公园广场的纵轴落下,人们在节日期间通过这里最多。、
Hyperbamboo is made entirely from locally sourced Cambodian bamboo and shade fabric. The entrance to the pavilion, built inside Phnom Penh’s Freedom Park, falls along the vertical axis of park Square, where people pass most during festivals.
The pavilion’s sail-like plan (two long and two short) is modeled on a hyperbolic parabola, complementing the flexibility and tensile properties of bamboo. The two long sides add to the shadow provided by the structure, while the two shorter sides include sloping walls that block views from adjacent shops. The shape created by the roof effectively protects the pavilion from rain, which rolls down the sides.
粗竹梁的主要结构框架用于设置屋顶的外平面边缘,辅助框架形成网格,遮阳织物附着在网格上。Hyperbamboo 由多个外部隔板构成——它可以在所有四个侧面完全打开或关闭,或者在两个相对的侧面交替关闭,以创造交叉通风并允许自然光。到了晚上,人造光的使用通过半透明的屋顶风帆使展馆焕发光彩。
The main structural frame of the thick bamboo beam is used to set the outer plane edge of the roof, and the auxiliary frame forms a grid to which the shading fabric is attached. Hyperbamboo consists of multiple external partitions — it can be fully opened or closed on all four sides, or alternately closed on two opposite sides to create cross ventilation and allow natural light. At night, the pavilion is illuminated by the use of artificial light through translucent roof sails.
境道原竹 13年高端竹结构企业,专业为: 竹结构、竹建筑、竹装饰、竹景观等竹艺工程提供,竹结构相关咨询、竹结构设计深化、原竹材料生产、施工落地管理、等一系列服务。致力为客户提供卓越的一站式体验.电话400-8866075 021-58665611。
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