斯里兰卡:海岸竹帐篷旅店 竹编 竹建筑
设计公司: Bo Reudler Studio
位置: 斯里兰卡
类型: 竹编建筑
材料: 膜结构 木材 竹木
Wild Coast Tented Lodge坐落于斯里兰卡南部紧邻雅拉国家公园,是一座由36个帐篷形态建筑堆叠而成的旅行营地。在远眺印度洋景色,植根于沙地海岸的旱地森林处,这片旅行营地以其有机的建筑形态,与周围环境和谐相融。这座五星级的生态度假酒店,致力于为来访者带来非同一般的雅拉风情。让游客在亲密怡人的环境中,感受动植物群落和自然文化的馈赠。Resplendent Ceylon度假酒店由来自Nomadic Resorts的建筑师与来自Bo Reudler Studio的室内设计师共同打造。作为Dilmah Tea的子品牌,Resplendent Ceylon以其独特的度假酒店形式,吸引了一批又一批的来访者去探索和体会斯里兰卡的历史,文化与自然。
Wild Coast Tented Lodge is a 36-tent safari camp located on the edge of Yala National Park, in the south of Sri Lanka. Its organic architecture integrates seamlessly into the site, which comprises dryland forests that merge into the rugged sandy coastline overlooking the Indian Ocean. The five-star eco-resort is designed to give visitors an intimate experience of Yala, celebrating the flora, fauna and culture of the area with minimal intrusion on the landscape. A multidisciplinary team consisting of Nomadic Resorts (architecture and landscape design) and Bo Reudler Studio (interior design) designed the camp for Resplendent Ceylon, a subsidiary of Dilmah Tea, whose unique resorts offer curious travellers diverse experiences linked to Sri Lanka’s history, culture and nature.
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view
Scattered across Yala’s semi-arid landscape and along the coastline are massive rocky outcrops; these impressive landmarks provide habitat for wildlife. These huge round formations are echoed at a micro scale by termite mounds and suspended beehives found throughout the park. To create a natural fit into Yala’s landscape, the architecture of the camp adopts a human scale between the existing macro and micro forms and derives its forms from these intriguing natural formations. The existing vegetation is retained to ensure an authentic experience of the landscape. Local influences form an integral part of the project, from vernacular traditions and materials to community involvement.
▼建筑模仿当地的地形地貌,the architecture mimic the landform
Positioned at either end of the site, the main facilities are organised as outcrops of boulder-like pavilions clustered organically together. Larger open air volumes intersect with smaller enclosed domes that house more private functions. Connecting the welcome area near the entrance with the waterfront bar, restaurant and library is a meandering natural landscape lined with clusters of cocoon-like tensile membrane structures called Loopers. Each cluster, which resembles a leopard paw print, overlooks a watering hole designed to attract wildlife. Guests can admire the wildlife from the safety of elevated decks at the front of their tents. The spa is set back from the beachfront, nestled amid a grove of Palu trees.
▼主空间如同地面上巨大的卵石,the main facilities are organised as outcrops of boulder-like pavilions
▼群聚的张力膜结构单体如同豹爪一般印刻在场地中, cluster of Loopers resembles a leopard paw print
From afar, the large pavilions appear solid but on closer inspection, they’re revealed as light, open structures. Their vaulted construction is crafted from a woven grid shell bamboo structure clad in reclaimed teak shingles. Large, arched openings and high vaulted ceilings create a strong sense of space while concentric ventilation slits help reduce the volumes to a more human scale. As the shingles weather, the buildings will age gracefully over time, and gain a patina that naturally complements the surrounding stone. By night, the illuminated pavilions appear as navigational landmarks – the enclosed structures are lit from the outside, while the open structures are illuminated from within, creating an inviting glow. This effect is accentuated by striking rings of light from LED strips that line the ventilation openings.
▼巨大的拱形开口和高圆顶外貌,the big arch openings and high vaulted ceilings
Scattered across Yala’s semi-arid landscape and along the coastline are massive rocky outcrops; these impressive landmarks provide habitat for wildlife. These huge round formations are echoed at a micro scale by termite mounds and suspended beehives found throughout the park. To create a natural fit into Yala’s landscape, the architecture of the camp adopts a human scale between the existing macro and micro forms and derives its forms from these intriguing natural formations. The existing vegetation is retained to ensure an authentic experience of the landscape. Local influences form an integral part of the project, from vernacular traditions and materials to community involvement.
▼建筑模仿当地的地形地貌,the architecture mimic the landform
Positioned at either end of the site, the main facilities are organised as outcrops of boulder-like pavilions clustered organically together. Larger open air volumes intersect with smaller enclosed domes that house more private functions. Connecting the welcome area near the entrance with the waterfront bar, restaurant and library is a meandering natural landscape lined with clusters of cocoon-like tensile membrane structures called Loopers. Each cluster, which resembles a leopard paw print, overlooks a watering hole designed to attract wildlife. Guests can admire the wildlife from the safety of elevated decks at the front of their tents. The spa is set back from the beachfront, nestled amid a grove of Palu trees.
▼主空间如同地面上巨大的卵石,the main facilities are organised as outcrops of boulder-like pavilions
▼群聚的张力膜结构单体如同豹爪一般印刻在场地中, cluster of Loopers resembles a leopard paw print
▼位于Loopers下坡的水池吸引了无数野生动物,the Loopers overlook a watering hole designed to attract wildlife
From afar, the large pavilions appear solid but on closer inspection, they’re revealed as light, open structures. Their vaulted construction is crafted from a woven grid shell bamboo structure clad in reclaimed teak shingles. Large, arched openings and high vaulted ceilings create a strong sense of space while concentric ventilation slits help reduce the volumes to a more human scale. As the shingles weather, the buildings will age gracefully over time, and gain a patina that naturally complements the surrounding stone. By night, the illuminated pavilions appear as navigational landmarks – the enclosed structures are lit from the outside, while the open structures are illuminated from within, creating an inviting glow. This effect is accentuated by striking rings of light from LED strips that line the ventilation openings.
▼巨大的拱形开口和高圆顶外貌,the big arch openings and high vaulted ceilings
▼圆顶由编织而成的竹网结构搭配柚木瓦片而成,the vaulted construction is crafted from a woven grid shell bamboo structure clad in reclaimed teak shingles
度假酒店的景观营造既有效利用的场地资源,又得益于其视觉效果。在池塘的挖掘过程中,场地中发掘出常用于道路铺面的黏土和红土砾石。这些砾石常见于河床处,是环境中的不利因素。因此,设计师根据这些挖掘出的铺路材料对池塘大小做出了适当调整。为了能全部利用这些挖掘出的材料,设计师特别建造了一个旋转分离器将砾石和黏土分离开来,并进而用黏土打造泥砖内饰 。与此同时,被挖掘和分离出的砾石则用来修饰路径边界,Adrian Gray还特别将这些挖掘出的砾石打造成一系列雕塑。它们散布在场地中,为度假村环境锦上添花。园艺师在场地中的现有植被环境中融入节水型园艺。它们中的如Agave,Fucrea和Sanseveria(三种植物)等可以耐受长时间的干旱的针叶植物。身长的植物叶子与曲面的建筑形态形成鲜明的对比。
The landscaping cleverly utilises the qualities of the site, both visually and in terms of the resources. The excavation process for the ponds revealed a subsoil composed mostly of clay and laterite gravel commonly used for road and path surfacing. This gravel is often excavated from river beds, with detrimental environmental effects. The strategy therefore sized the ponds based on the material required for surfacing the pathways. To utilise the excavated material, a special rotating sieve was constructed to separate the gravel from the clay, which in turn, is used to create mud-brick interior features. Rock excavated from the main pool was used to edge the pathways. Dotted through the camp are a series of elegant rock balance sculptures by Adrian Gray created specifically using rocks found on the site. The existing vegetation is complemented by an attractive xeriscape of spiky plants such as Agave, Fucrea and Sanseveria that are able to withstand long drought periods and contrast with the curvilinear forms of the buildings. An additional advantage is that they are unappetizing to the wildlife that roams freely through the site.
▼采用当地原生材料和耐旱植物作为场地景观,the landscaping cleverly utilises the qualities of the site, both visually and in terms of the resources
Interior concept
Whereas the architecture focuses on the outer form of the boulders, the interior recalls the treasures concealed within them such as caves, crystals and veins of precious minerals. Capturing a sense of discovery, adventure and enchantment, the interior combines ecological luxury and local elegance with a contemporary edge. Echoing the context of the site, local materials such as stone, quartz and mud brick are paired with a rich palette of copper, brass, terrazzo, wood, bamboo and textiles. A strong focus is placed on high quality materials that age gracefully. Sculptural light installations punctuate the main spaces.
▼与外貌相异的丰富内装,the diversity of the interior
Scattered across Yala’s semi-arid landscape and along the coastline are massive rocky outcrops; these impressive landmarks provide habitat for wildlife. These huge round formations are echoed at a micro scale by termite mounds and suspended beehives found throughout the park. To create a natural fit into Yala’s landscape, the architecture of the camp adopts a human scale between the existing macro and micro forms and derives its forms from these intriguing natural formations. The existing vegetation is retained to ensure an authentic experience of the landscape. Local influences form an integral part of the project, from vernacular traditions and materials to community involvement.
▼建筑模仿当地的地形地貌,the architecture mimic the landform
Positioned at either end of the site, the main facilities are organised as outcrops of boulder-like pavilions clustered organically together. Larger open air volumes intersect with smaller enclosed domes that house more private functions. Connecting the welcome area near the entrance with the waterfront bar, restaurant and library is a meandering natural landscape lined with clusters of cocoon-like tensile membrane structures called Loopers. Each cluster, which resembles a leopard paw print, overlooks a watering hole designed to attract wildlife. Guests can admire the wildlife from the safety of elevated decks at the front of their tents. The spa is set back from the beachfront, nestled amid a grove of Palu trees.
▼主空间如同地面上巨大的卵石,the main facilities are organised as outcrops of boulder-like pavilions
▼群聚的张力膜结构单体如同豹爪一般印刻在场地中, cluster of Loopers resembles a leopard paw print
▼位于Loopers下坡的水池吸引了无数野生动物,the Loopers overlook a watering hole designed to attract wildlife
From afar, the large pavilions appear solid but on closer inspection, they’re revealed as light, open structures. Their vaulted construction is crafted from a woven grid shell bamboo structure clad in reclaimed teak shingles. Large, arched openings and high vaulted ceilings create a strong sense of space while concentric ventilation slits help reduce the volumes to a more human scale. As the shingles weather, the buildings will age gracefully over time, and gain a patina that naturally complements the surrounding stone. By night, the illuminated pavilions appear as navigational landmarks – the enclosed structures are lit from the outside, while the open structures are illuminated from within, creating an inviting glow. This effect is accentuated by striking rings of light from LED strips that line the ventilation openings.
▼巨大的拱形开口和高圆顶外貌,the big arch openings and high vaulted ceilings
▼圆顶由编织而成的竹网结构搭配柚木瓦片而成,the vaulted construction is crafted from a woven grid shell bamboo structure clad in reclaimed teak shingles
度假酒店的景观营造既有效利用的场地资源,又得益于其视觉效果。在池塘的挖掘过程中,场地中发掘出常用于道路铺面的黏土和红土砾石。这些砾石常见于河床处,是环境中的不利因素。因此,设计师根据这些挖掘出的铺路材料对池塘大小做出了适当调整。为了能全部利用这些挖掘出的材料,设计师特别建造了一个旋转分离器将砾石和黏土分离开来,并进而用黏土打造泥砖内饰 。与此同时,被挖掘和分离出的砾石则用来修饰路径边界,Adrian Gray还特别将这些挖掘出的砾石打造成一系列雕塑。它们散布在场地中,为度假村环境锦上添花。园艺师在场地中的现有植被环境中融入节水型园艺。它们中的如Agave,Fucrea和Sanseveria(三种植物)等可以耐受长时间的干旱的针叶植物。身长的植物叶子与曲面的建筑形态形成鲜明的对比。
The landscaping cleverly utilises the qualities of the site, both visually and in terms of the resources. The excavation process for the ponds revealed a subsoil composed mostly of clay and laterite gravel commonly used for road and path surfacing. This gravel is often excavated from river beds, with detrimental environmental effects. The strategy therefore sized the ponds based on the material required for surfacing the pathways. To utilise the excavated material, a special rotating sieve was constructed to separate the gravel from the clay, which in turn, is used to create mud-brick interior features. Rock excavated from the main pool was used to edge the pathways. Dotted through the camp are a series of elegant rock balance sculptures by Adrian Gray created specifically using rocks found on the site. The existing vegetation is complemented by an attractive xeriscape of spiky plants such as Agave, Fucrea and Sanseveria that are able to withstand long drought periods and contrast with the curvilinear forms of the buildings. An additional advantage is that they are unappetizing to the wildlife that roams freely through the site.
▼采用当地原生材料和耐旱植物作为场地景观,the landscaping cleverly utilises the qualities of the site, both visually and in terms of the resources
Interior concept
Whereas the architecture focuses on the outer form of the boulders, the interior recalls the treasures concealed within them such as caves, crystals and veins of precious minerals. Capturing a sense of discovery, adventure and enchantment, the interior combines ecological luxury and local elegance with a contemporary edge. Echoing the context of the site, local materials such as stone, quartz and mud brick are paired with a rich palette of copper, brass, terrazzo, wood, bamboo and textiles. A strong focus is placed on high quality materials that age gracefully. Sculptural light installations punctuate the main spaces.
▼与外貌相异的丰富内装,the diversity of the interior
Welcome area
Located near the entrance gate, the welcome area creates a true sense of arrival. An open reception awaits guests after their long journey. The interior centres on a curved mud-brick lounge with an impressive tiered bamboo chandelier above. The arched openings of the bamboo dome of the welcome pavilion intersect with two smaller enclosed ferro-cement domes – containing the offices and washrooms – clad in a rough exterior pebble dash finish. The open end of the office dome incorporates the check-in desk backed by a sparkling quartz wall, creating the impression of looking inside a geode, with its rough stone exterior and crystalline interior.
▼入口接待处,the reception space
Bar and pool
The bar counter forms the centrepiece, displaying a sparkling wall of quartz and a bottle rack fashioned from copper pipe. A giant stalactite-inspired bamboo chandelier illuminates the bar surface.Wrapped around the bar, the pool is a feature element in the main area. It separates the bar from the restaurant, which are connected by an indoor bridge that marks the transition between these two main spaces. Guests can enter the pool from the resort side and swim 40 metres through the building towards the beachfront. The water also provides a natural cooling effect and beautifully reflects sunlight onto the vaulted bamboo ceilings. By night the pool twinkles like the night sky thanks to integrated fibre-optic lights. Drinks can be enjoyed either seated at the bar or, while taking a rest from swimming, from one of the seating niches carved into the sides of the pool between the big boulder footings. Campaign furniture evokes an era of discovery and adventure. Materials used include leather, copper, mahogany, quartz and quartz pebble floors.
▼泳池从餐厅与酒吧之间穿过,the pool separates the bar from the restaurant
▼酒吧柜台上方的竹子吊灯将空间印象雕刻的更加深刻,a giant stalactite-inspired bamboo chandelier illuminates the bar surface
▼酒吧与餐厅通过一座小桥相连, the bar and the restaurant are connected by an indoor bridge
Orientated towards the ocean, the restaurant is the largest pavilion. Inside flows seamlessly with the outside thanks to the generous arched openings, ten-metre-high vaulted ceiling and the movement of the water through the building. The interior focuses on several sculptural elements. Coated mud brick niches incorporate seating and service stations. The carefully- considered layout maximises ocean views for each table. Organically-shaped copper lamps hanging above the tables counterbalance the simplicity and solidity of the mud brick. The glowing copper shades and candle niches in the mud brick lend warmth. White gravel and natural stone floors create a distinct outdoor feel.
▼餐厅布局,the restaurant
▼餐厅拥有巨大的拱形开口和十米高的圆顶天花板,restaurant formed by the generous arched openings, ten-metre-high vaulted ceiling
▼精心规划的平面布局让各个餐桌的望海视野最大化,the carefully- considered layout maximises ocean views for each table.
Sustainability and local craftsmanship
▼夜景,night view
境道原竹 13年高端竹结构企业,专业为: 竹结构、竹建筑、竹装饰、竹景观等竹艺工程提供,竹结构相关咨询、竹结构设计深化、原竹材料生产、施工落地管理,等一系列服务。致力为客户提供卓越的一站式体验.电话400-8866075 021-58665611。
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