印尼:千禧桥 竹桥 竹景观
建筑师: IBUKU
面积: 70 m²
项目年份: 2011
摄影师: José Tomás Franco
客户:Green School
项目面积:45.000 平方米
“Millennium Bridge” is one of the longest unique bamboo bridges in Asia, with a length of 23 meters. The characteristic roof of the bridge imitates the shape of buffalo horn and is influenced by the architectural style of Minangkabau. The Millennium Bridge is a mixture of gold and black bamboo.
这座大桥是专门用于行人通行的,连接了绿色学校(Green School)的东西部,是校园内主要交通的基础组成部分。
The bridge, which is dedicated to pedestrian traffic, connects the east and west sides of the Green School and is a fundamental part of the main traffic on campus.
很少有机会能用竹子搭桥,这也同时证明竹子可以用来搭建任何东西。这座桥代表了向世界各地推广竹建筑的一种方式。这有力证明了竹子的强大承受力。” — IBUKU 事务所的高级架构师
The bridge, which is dedicated to pedestrian traffic, connects the east and west sides of the Green School and is a fundamental part of the main traffic on campus.
印尼:千禧桥 竹桥 竹建筑施工图:
Construction drawing of bamboo Bridge, Millennium Bridge, Indonesia:
境道原竹 13年高端竹结构企业,专业为: 竹结构、竹建筑、竹装饰、竹景观等竹艺工程提供,竹结构相关咨询、竹结构设计深化、原竹材料生产、项目施工落地管理等一系列服务。致力为客户提供卓越的一站式体验.电话400-8866075 021-58665611。
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