法国昂热:绿洲泰拉植物园 竹编 竹景观
景观设计:Terra Botanica
“绿洲”是为法国安格尔的植物主题公园设计的,是一个七米高的自支撑竹雨棚,依靠竹编织和编织技术。为了庆祝欧洲唯一以植物为灵感的游乐园——Terra Botanica——成立10周年,德安布龙的法国建筑公司被委托在法国安格尔进行一个景观美化项目。容纳超过2750000种植物,这一挑战要求建筑师在游客入口处安装一个装置,以适应植物主题公园的大环境。已经建造了一个竹结构来覆盖公园的人行桥,德南布龙斯提出了一个类似的自支撑竹雨篷,叫做“绿洲”。该项目总面积为600平方米,最高点为7米,号称是欧洲最高的竹结构。
Designed for a botanical theme park in Angels, France, ‘Oasis’ is a seven-metre-high self-supporting bamboo canopy that relies on weaving and weaving techniques. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Terra Botanica, the only plant-inspired amusement park in Europe, D ‘Ambron’s French architecture firm was commissioned to carry out a landscaping project in Angels, France. Containing more than 2,750,000 species of plants, this challenge required the architects to install an installation at the visitor’s entrance that would fit into the context of a plant-themed park. Having built a bamboo structure to cover the park’s footbridge, De Nenbrews proposed a similar self-supporting bamboo canopy, called “The Oasis”. With a total area of 600 square meters and a highest point of 7 meters, the project claims to be the tallest bamboo structure in Europe.
With a total area of 600 square meters and a highest point of 7 meters, the project claims to be the tallest bamboo structure in Europe. The canopy uses 12 bamboo poles, which are spread out to form a mesh covering made of bamboo strips. The wave net consists of more than 20 kilometers of bamboo poles, 1,300 of which were divided into 5,200 pieces and woven together according to temporary wooden patterns. This unique construction technique, which relies on random weaving and weaving, offers a contemporary departure from traditional bamboo construction methods. Furthermore, weaving the bamboo in this way complements its elasticity, allowing the structure to maintain an organic wavy shape.
The main goal of the oasis was to decorate the vast space it was intended to occupy. However, the architects see this monumental project as an opportunity to highlight another sustainably driven approach to architecture. While the huge scale of the project could mean a combination of multiple architectural elements, only a limited number of materials were actually used in relation to the size of the canopy. “Building with less and less natural materials is one of our best goals for creating sustainable design,” said Diembe. The company sourced bamboo locally from the south of France, ensuring that the carbon footprint of the structure is kept to a minimum.
To further reduce the impact on the environment, the materials remain the same – after harvesting the bamboo, it is washed and split by hand, and then the bamboo strips are soaked in natural oil. In this way, the architects used the oasis to showcase the structural, durable and aesthetic qualities of bamboo as an architectural element, hoping to encourage its use in European architecture. The design was developed through multiple iterations using parametric 3D modeling software Rhinoceros. A three-dimensional template was generated on a computer-aided design tool, allowing Deambluns to calculate complex curves to shape the organic structure.
该软件还被用来试验细木工系统,并准确估计项目成本。装置的戏剧性弯曲和比例与竹子缝隙的精致形成对比,使天篷看起来像“跳舞的蕾丝”。穿越竹子的阴影和光线过滤创造了一个无与伦比的体验,肯定会给Terra Botanica的游客留下持久的印象。
The software is also used to test joinery systems and accurately estimate project costs. The dramatic curves and proportions of the installation contrast with the delicacy of the bamboo gaps, making the canopy look like “dancing lace”. Shading and light filtering through the bamboo creates an unparalleled experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression on visitors to Terra Botanica.
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