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印尼:阿尔法欧米茄学校 竹建筑

作者:admin 发布时间:2020-03-22 浏览次数:4,424次


Alpha Omega School Indonesia is a bamboo building in Indonesia that incorporates local craftsmanship and craftsmanship into its architecture, minimizing economic costs and requiring little maintenance.


Built in a limited time frame, the Alpha Omega School aims to create a collaborative bond between the builders and users of the building. They took full advantage of the characteristics of the area, using local bamboo and nipah materials… It is an efficient building designed for natural ventilation, with maximum natural light entering both during the day and at night.

阿尔法欧米茄学校是一座具有地方精神的教育竹建筑。位于坦格朗市,占地11700平方米,以沼泽和稻田为先决条件。该设计通过将结构提升到离地 2.1 m 高来应对这种不稳定的土壤条件。场地本身被选为设计方案的一部分,与周围的自然环境相呼应,让孩子们有亲近自然的感觉,从而唤起户外学习的体验。

Alpha Omega School is an educational building with a local spirit. Located in tangerang city, covering an area of 11,700 square meters, swamps and rice paddies are prerequisites. The design responds to this unstable soil condition by lifting the structure 2.1 m above the ground. The site itself was chosen as part of the design scheme, which echoes the surrounding natural environment and allows the children to feel close to nature, thus evoking the experience of outdoor learning.

(该建筑集成了 4 座模块化建筑,在一个中央庭院内设有高效的接入点,由于当地土地分区对可建和不可建的限制。)回答项目简介的解决方案是创建在砖石钢和竹建筑的两个重要层次上,在经济和创造性的建设过程中建立最佳协作或桥梁关系,可以丰富周围的经济影响。

(The building integrates 4 modular buildings with efficient access points in a central courtyard due to the limitations of local land zoning on what can and cannot be built.) The solution to answer the project brief is to create two important levels of brick, stone, steel and bamboo architecture, establishing the best collaborative or bridging relationship in the economic and creative construction process that can enrich the surrounding economic impact.


Steel structures were chosen not only for their ability to withstand structural loads effectively, but also for their construction speed and strong durability. The entire building is based on this frame, from the foundation to the roof elements. Changes in steel, from thickness to treatment, provide opportunities for multifunctional detailing in the design. Bamboo, on the other hand, is a flexible substance that requires little long-term maintenance and is always available in the region. This availability is also related to the brick and concrete in the area.


The structure is combined with the bamboo of the roof to form a parabolic shape, enhancing the character of the Nipah, which can be tilted or bent, while keeping the cost constraints of the budget. The bricks are stacked in a solid void pattern to allow air to cross the facade. Meanwhile, polished exposed concrete is used as a floor finish to ensure durability for daily school activities.


The school is designed as a passive cooling building, relying heavily on natural cross air ventilation in its buildings. Open high ceilings are designed for ventilation, followed by porous solid bricks on either side of the classroom walls. In this way, indoor air flow is optimally circulated without the need for air-conditioning.

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