越南:moọc春楼 竹屋 竹建筑
坐落在越南quảng bình的热带雨林中,一座竹结构茅草屋顶建筑结合了住宿、休闲和餐厅,供游客前往附近的自然溪流旅游。半开放式结构应对热带气候;这是一个容易发生洪水和暴风雨的地区。同时,该竹建筑展示了传统方法和当地原材料的使用。
nestled among the rainforests of quảng bình in vietnam, a thatched roof building serves as a building combining accommodation, relaxation and a restaurant for visitors traveling to the nearby natural streams. the semi-open structure addresses the tropical climate; an area prone to flooding and storms. at the same time, the architecture showcases the use of traditional methods and locally sourced raw materials.
该项目名为“moọc spring”,由RÂU ARCH设计,该竹屋包括两层楼。第一层是住宿和厨房、储藏室、浴室等辅助设施。同时二楼是与餐厅相结合的接待区。在天花板的中心,一个玻璃天窗框定了上方的天空,并邀请自然光进入室内。
titled ‘moọc spring’, the project by RÂU ARCH consists of two floors. the first is occupied by accommodation and the ancillary services such as the kitchen, storage, bathroom. meanwhile the second floor is a reception area combined with a restaurant. at the heart of the ceiling, a glass skylight frames the sky above and invites natural light inside.
the building rests of a stone base with timber and bamboo used mostly on the upper level
a distinctive feature of the building is the use of bamboo. the natural and widely available material is manipulated and weaved into sophisticated patterns and detailing seen on the trusses. on the high level this is especially evident, where the reinforced concrete pillars are wrapped with nulgar bamboo tree material and leaf to complement the rest of the bamboo enveloped interior.
bamboo is stretched and bent to create circular patterns that simultaneously serve as the trusses。
the concrete pillars are hiddle as they are wrapped in bamboo。
the roof is thatch and supported by bamboo。
境道原竹 13年高端竹结构企业,专业为: 竹结构、竹建筑、竹装饰、竹景观等竹艺工程提供,竹结构相关咨询、竹结构设计深化、原竹材料生产、项目施工落地管理等一系列服务。致力为客户提供卓越的一站式体验.电话400-8866075 021-58665611。
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