美国 洛杉矶:藏鹰竹屋 竹建筑
藏身地猎鹰欢迎长期旅行者、自然爱好者、有灵性的人、徒步爱好者、背包客、艺术家、音乐家和生态爱好者来体验巴厘岛的独特体验。它最适合对环境有想法的客人,他们用爱和关怀来对待这座小竹楼。(国外案例 上海境道原竹可 深化设计和施工建造)
Hideaway Falcon welcomes long-term travelers, nature lovers, spiritual people, hikers, backpackers, artists, musicians and eco-enthusiasts to experience Bali’s unique experience. It is best suited to guests who have ideas about the environment and treat the little bamboo house with love and care. (Foreign case: Shanghai Jingdao Yuanzhu can be further designed and constructed)
One of the most prominent features of the bamboo house is the huge wooden deck and bamboo house, complete with comfortable lounge chairs, a refrigeration net under the palm trees and a huge stone bathtub. The bathtub is permanently filled and filtered as a standard pool. It can be heated to hot spring temperatures on demand – there’s nothing like it in the rainy season! The large deck is perfect for a yoga class or exercise. You’ll find hidden places in the garden where you can spend time meditating and thinking. This little pond is not for swimming, and rest assured, the mosquitoes are cared for by the many birds, fish, frogs, lizards and bats that occupy our garden.
Because the upper part of the bamboo house is installed with an eagle, as the name suggests, it is called the bamboo house of Tibetan eagle.
境道原竹 13年高端竹结构企业,专业为: 竹结构、竹建筑、竹装饰、竹景观等竹艺工程提供,竹结构相关咨询、竹结构设计深化、原竹材料生产、施工落地管理、等一系列服务。致力为客户提供卓越的一站式体验.电话400-8866075 021-58665611。
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