印尼:娱乐训练场 “弧型” / IBUKU 竹建筑
建筑设计: IBUKU
面积: 760 m²
项目年份: 2021
摄影师: Tommaso Riva
建造工期: 8 months
宽度: 23,5 m (75 ft)
长度: 41 m (134 ft)
高度: 14 m (46 ft)
城市: 阿比恩瑟玛
国家: 印度尼西亚
Ibuku Architects is committed to creating a new design language, enabling people to create their own designs and complete their own architectural journey using their own rules.
Today, architects use a new design language to construct an unprecedented architecture. The project is not just a building made of bamboo, it is also an example of the future of lightweight architecture.
弧(The Arc)”是位于印度尼西亚巴厘岛的世界知名绿色学校(Green School)院内的最新建筑。这一学校有着12年的历史,并以其敢于打破界限、拓展视野的勇气而闻名。“弧”作为此地历史长河中的最新标杆,以其设计提高了全球可持续性教育竹建筑的标准。
The project, a precursor of its kind, spans 19 meters and is made up of a series of interwoven 14 meter high bamboo arches connected by a saddle-faced grid that allows the arches to “escape” gravity from the hyperbolic paraboloid.
“Arc” in the field of engineering design is also a feat: architects and engineers of the day and night for months in the study, explore, and elaborate, the details of the new buildings have ultimate unparalleled elegant design details, and at the same time witnessed IBUKU in broadening the boundaries in the field of architecture and design aspects of contribution.
“The Arc” employs one of nature’s greatest “design strategies” : creating large Spaces with minimal structure. In the structure of the human chest, the ribs under pressure are held in place by a stretchy layer of muscle and skin. In the “Arc” design, the arch can be held in place by a saddle-face grid structure under pressure. Although this grid structure may appear to fall lightly between unattainable lightweight arches and “hang” on the arches, the saddle mesh is actually used to support the arches. This brings whimsy, intimacy and a unique aesthetic to the space between the actual force and the visual effect.
The design of the “Arc” breaks the traditional geometric arrangement and brings the structure of the building into balance, which means that the amount of structural materials required for the project is also drastically reduced. The result is a campus with large interior Spaces, ultra-thin structures, and trusses that don’t distract views.
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