上海松江区:何陋轩 竹景观
何陋轩为著名的建筑家、同济大学教授冯纪忠先生的杰作,曾在南斯拉夫召开的世界五十名知名建筑师作品展览会上展出并作重点介绍, 1999 年荣获上海市建国五十周年经典建筑铜奖。
Heliou Xuan is the masterpiece of Feng Jizhong, a famous architect and professor of Tongji University. It was exhibited and introduced in the world’s 50 famous architects’ works exhibition held in Yugoslavia. In 1999, it won the bronze prize of classic architecture for the 50th anniversary of the founding of Shanghai.
He Lou Xuan is located in the southeast corner of Fang Pagoda Garden, deep in the bamboo forest, on the ancient river side of the island.
“Xuan is a long corridor or small room with Windows.” Du fu’s “summer night sigh” in “open xuan na micro cool”, su shi’s famous “river city son” also has “small xuan window, is dressing up” good sentence, it can be seen that there must be a window in the xuan. But the humble hall has no Windows, no walls, all around the transparent, it can be said that “open Xuan” also.
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